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What A Year!

What A Year!

We can’t believe how far we have come this year, and none of this would have been possible without your support.

We want to give a huge thank you to those of you who have followed our journey from the very beginning, regularly returning to us and recommending us to your friends and family. And thank you also to those of you who have discovered us over the past year, championing our drinks and our new ventures with such enthusiasm.

A huge step for us this year was consolidating our product range, and rebranding all of our bottles. With the release of our 2nd vintage of sparkling wines, it was important for us that the outside of our bottles truly reflected how very special the contents are within. We printed our original labels ourselves on a pharmaceutical label maker, in order to release our first vintage at the start of a global pandemic, so our new branding really is a step up. So many of you have commented on the beautiful simplicity of our bottles and we hope you’re now proud on every level to share these with friends and family.

We have, this year, released 2 new gins, which we hope you’ve been lucky enough to try for yourselves, as well as reinventing our previous Marourde Spritz drink in its fresh, modern and versatile Aperitif style. The new branding has allowed us to bring together our full range of drinks in alignment, to reflect the fact that our 2 gins and our Marourde Aperitif are intrinsically linked to our work as winemakers.

One of the main highlights this year, alongside the continued success and enjoyment of our drinks, has been the introduction of hospitality here at the winery. Works to expand our production and tank rooms have freed up space in our winery, allowing us to create an intimate and authentic space for you to enjoy a drink, as well as space for tours and tastings, dining experiences and private events. This has given us more of a chance to meet you all in person and share some fantastic evenings with you. We’ve been honoured to work with some fantastic chefs, and we’re already working on plans for lots more events next year, so make sure you keep an eye on your inbox – any new dates will come straight to you first on the mailing list!

Our harvest this year was our most difficult yet, but has taught us that Scott’s hard work throughout the year, maintaining the vineyard with meticulous care and attention always pays off, harvesting a great crop despite the unfavourable weather. We embraced machine harvesting this year and found it worked really well for us, getting fantastic quality grapes harvested and up to our winery for pressing at impressive speed.

So it has been a busy year for us to look back on, reflect and continue moving forwards. We are a small team but brimming with pride and passion for what we do. Each time one of you walks through the door, places an order, tells us you’ve loved our drinks, recommends us to someone else - it means an awful lot to us.

From myself and the team, we wish you all the best for 2022, and we hope next year is a positive one. We hope to see you up at the winery very soon and we can’t wait to share with you all the plans we have in the pipeline. Thank you for sharing the journey with us every step of the way.

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